Category: Map

Reconstruction Nortwest Spain V1.53

In this expansion different roads and cities will be added and eddited: NEW CITIES– Pedrafita Do Cebreiro (Lugo)– Astorga (León)– Becerreá (Lugo) EDITED CITIES– O Barco– León NEW ROADS– LU-722– LU-723– LU-P-0703– LU-P-1401– LU-P-4504–...

Lower Saxony Map V3.4

-Bug fix on background image and profile pictures-Bug fixes, especially in Hildesheim-The first half of Herrenhausen has been added, which already includes a garage, a workshop and two companies Credits: – Modder, real companys:...

Russian RC V1.1

Hello, this mod adds ROS + Off The Grid RC. Credits: IvanTvGamer Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version 1.1 – 23.12.24)

Better Patras V1.0

This mod enables additional turnover in Patras, Greece. Kinda shortens the trip from the warehouse to rest of the city. Required DLC Greece. Put it above all map mods. Compatible with ProMods. Game version:...

Latvia Rebuild V1.43

Version 1.43 Changelog:All bugs found in ME have been fixedFull conversion to patch 1.53 and PM 2.73 This is a map Addon for ProMods which changes/adds roads in and around Latvia.It requires All 9...

Mapa Madmax V1.0

A22 motorway (also includes parts made from scratch)– A4 motorway– A21 motorway– A55 motorway– A12 motorway– A1 motorway (also includes parts made from scratch)– A14 motorway (also includes parts made from scratch)– A6 motorway–...

Silesia Rebuild in Poland Map V1.6.2

Version 1.6.2:Mod updated to play on do ets 1.53 and promods 2.73 Version 1.6.1:mod updated to play on ets 1.51/1.52 and promods 2.71/2.72 without Poland Rebuildexpand southern regions of Silesiaupdate of highway A1 between...

Mapa Ceibo V2.7 Arg-Uru

Everyone loves driving and exploring new places on a map. Ceibo is a virtual map inspired by Argentinean roads. Ceibo Map presents one of the most detailed maps based on Argentinean regions. Credits: pedro_navarrete...

Tijuana Map V1.53

For ATS 1.53Special Thanks to Ivan Guzman, who bring back the Tijuana from Reforma to ATS This map add Tijuana which been left by Reforma because of recent California Rework by SCSCompatible with California...

Tunisia Map V1.2

Tunisia Map is a standalone 1:1 real scale.I would like provide realistic places and environement. Map Features:1. Not less than 75% realistic environement.2. Over than 100 kms of roads through the map.3. 27 companies.4....