Category: Sound

[Add-On] SFX Scania Sound Mods To Scania PGR V1.0

The first purpose of this plugin is to add sound mods as options in addition to the original mod information, there will be both original engine options and add-on engine options. Engine Options;R360 Euro4,...

Argentinian Radios V1.0

This file has a lot of radios from every province of Argentina. List of radios by province– 31 radios from Buenos Aires City– 33 radios from Buenos Aires province– 5 radios from Catamarca– 11...

Arabic Voice Abdo lbn Egypt V1.0

Experience a whole new way of driving! The Arabic Voice Abdo lbn Egypt mod brings an exclusive Arabic GPS voice to your ETS2 game, featuring the unique voice of Abdo lbn Egypt. Now, while...

All Trucks Engines V8 Open Pipe Sound V1.0

All trucks engines V8 Open Pipe Sound SCS 1.52 V8 engine open pipe sound mod for:All SCS trucks, all engines,Streamline, RJL “R and T”, Scania P and G, Scania Megamod.MAN TGX 2020, Daf XD...

Man TGX 2023 D2676 Engine Sound V1.1

Changelog 1.1:Improves the interior insulation I’ve recorded a Man TGX 520 year model 2023 engine D2676 with all the accessories. Whole sound of the truck recorded in details:-interior: low air warning sound, windows sounds,...